
Wednesday 21 September 2022

11 Intermittent Fasting Tips For Success, Hunger & Weight Loss

 Here are tips on intermittent fasting to help you on your weight loss journey. Pixabay (CC0)Following a diet is tough. Counting calories, strict eating plans, most diets can be hard to sustain in the long run. Luckily, there are a lot of ways for you to lose weight, one of which is intermittent fasting.

Intermittent Fasting Meaning

Intermittent fasting (IF) requires you to follow a specific schedule that cycles between non-fasting (eating) and voluntary fasting over a given period. According to studies, intermittent fasting has been linked to numerous health benefits, including balancing blood sugar, improving heart health and glucose levels and much more. Intermittent fasting benefits may help you become healthier compared to popular diets.But for those who are not used to fasting, it can be a bit tricky. But if you’re determined to try it, here are 11 intermittent fasting tips for weight loss to help you succeed:

1. Choose your method – When it comes to intermittent fasting, there are plenty of methods to choose from. There’s the 12/12 method, the 16/8 method, the 5/2 method and the 24-hour method. Out of all these, the 16/8 is the most popular, but you are free to choose which one works best for your lifestyle.

2. Start slow – Once you have chosen an IF method, the next step is to start slow. It may be tempting to immediately jump into your new intermittent fasting diet plan, but it’s not advisable. Instead, start slowly. Complete two to three days of IF for a week until you become comfortable enough to do it every day of the week.

3. Don’t set out for perfection – This just adds unnecessary pressure to a process that takes time to do properly. Set realistic weight loss goals and expectations for these to be achievable.

4. Drink more water – Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Women should at least drink nine cups of water while 13 cups for men who are on intermittent fasting. While fasting, you might mistake boredom or thirst for hunger, so be sure to have a glass of water first and see how you feel after.

5. Drink caffeine – Good news, coffee and tea are IF-friendly! This is good as IF might lead to low energy levels at the start and these two drinks should help you power up. Hold off on cream and sugar though as these will break your fast.

6. Eating more satiating meals – The food you eat will set your mood for the fasting period, so make sure you eat something that will make you feel good. Instead of eating just chicken breast, eat it with delicious BBQ seasoning and a side of potatoes and vegetables. Not only is this healthy, but it’s also satisfying and sets a positive tone for the fast ahead.

7. Stay busy – Plenty of times, boredom will be your enemy and you might find yourself looking for snacks. Instead, keep yourself busy and accomplish tasks. This should give you the same dopamine release that you get from eating snacks and junk food.

8. Don’t binge – This is very important. If you end up binge-eating, you will eat more and make poor food choices. Instead, start with a light meal and if you feel hungry after, go for a light, healthy snack.

9. Practice good health – Unhealthy eating habits make it harder to be on intermittent fasting. Instead of relying on IF for weight loss, switch to better habits and a healthier lifestyle. Get the recommended amount of sleep every night, exercise consistently and prioritize foods that are filling and energizing.

10. Maintain balanced meals – On times that you do get to eat, opt for a hearty balance of protein, fiber, carbs and healthy fats. These will help you stay full while fasting.

11. Journal! – Maintain a food journal. This can help you track your progress and check areas for improvement. You can take note of how you're feeling and your experiences while doing IF. It’s also a good way to keep yourself occupied during fasting.

Jan Cortes